[Aruba] [Poland] [Tunisia] [Australia & New Zealand] [Spain] [Hawaii] [East Africa] [Argentina] [Chile] [Brazil] [Costa Rica] [Peru] [Switzerland] [Romania] [Morocco] [Smoker Events]
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The site contains pictures made during
trips to South and Central America, Africa and Europe
I made
pictures using Canon EOS Elan and A2 cameras, usually with 28-80mm or 75-300mm lenses
and print film.
After pictures were printed I scanned them to make two files from each print - high
and low resolution.
I do not put too much captions on my pages - main emphasis is on pictures.
I like building web navigation, I dislike typing texts.
Recent pictures were made with digital camera Konica Minolta Dimage A2
and Nikon D90.
Feel free to contact me at